Foundation for the Support of the United Nations
Foundation for the Support of the United Nations

Creating a Capable,
Diverse Talent Pipeline. Together.
Learn More AboutGlobalMindED
Harnessing the talent of various stakeholders, GlobalMindED partners with corporations, educational institutions (including HBCUs, HSIs, Tribal Colleges and state colleges), community leaders, and passionate role models to provide guidance, access, opportunities and social-capital connections for students. GlobalMindED provides “the hidden content curriculum,” professional development training and an arsenal of success tools for students to navigate college completion and career on-boarding with their degree.
This unique model is scalable and succeeds because it knits together students, educators, business leaders, foundations and corporations to ensure that education is a gateway to long-term success and financial freedom, no matter what field a graduate pursues. Programs are virtual and in-person, providing a bridge for students who haven’t had the same social and professional exposure as students from educated and more affluent families.
By 2025, FSUN is dedicated to realizing GlobalMindED’s Bold Goal: To algorithmically connect 25,000,000 First Gen to college, minoritized and poverty-affected students and graduates to job opportunities and successful career advancement, thereby providing ROI on their college experience and delivering the capable, diverse talent pipeline that business, government and industry needs.

Nurture Wellbeing, Together.
Learn More AboutTrustCircle
There is no health or quality education without emotional well-being. Imagine a World where Social-Emotional Learning is core to our education system.
Foundation for the Support of the United Nations ( FSUN) pledges full support for TrustCircle – a globally acclaimed-research backed technology platform – that utilizes AI-driven Social Emotional Learning (SEL) programs to improve emotional resilience & well-being for all students.
TrustCircle SEL programs focus on Prevention & Early Intervention and are designed to help students recognize & manage their emotions, show empathy for others, and make responsible decisions. Schools, Districts, Counties, States and Governments can leverage TrustCircle’s data-driven model to identify high-risk students/demographics and take proactive action to promote health & well-being within their student community.
TrustCircle has sparked a wellbeing movement across schools & colleges globally inspiring prevention and early intervention and is trusted by the WHO CC – SCARF, The National Institute for Health Research, The Warwick University, The Ashoka, The Tata Trusts- Social Alpha group, The Development Bank of Singapore et al, and by the mental health researchers globally for helping improve emotional resilience & well-being for all.
Over the next five years, FSUN will utilize its deep global network, resources and strategic relations across regions and sectors to scale TrustCircle’s mission and impact across continents starting with The United States, Japan, Philippines, Thailand, Singapore and more.
“We are at a tipping point of massive, unprecedented global leadership transformation, and ensuring the emotional well-being of our youth is a key element in creating a leadership legacy anchored around advocating for and championing the human potential. TrustCircle is at the forefront of this space, and FSUN is committed to fully support this life-changing initiative.”
-- Janet Salazar
President and Executive Chairman of FSUN

“TrustCircle exists to serve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG #3 & #4) – to promote quality education, health, and well-being – at scale and together with Foundation for the Support of the United Nations(FSUN), we will go far in achieving our mission.”
-- Sachin Chaudhry
Founder & CEO, TrustCircle

Janet Salazar & Sachin Chaudhry
Co-creating the future – together
Our youth is our future and we need to save them from mental health epidemic — hence we need support from Ministers of Health and Ministers of Education from different countries to achieve our goal of serving SDGs 3 & 4 – 1 Billion by 2040″